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Pronghorn Antelope
"Speed Goat"

Experience the thrill of chasing the fastest land mammal in the western hemisphere!

Archery Antelope Hunts

7-V Ranch Outfitting encompasses several different terrains, and we have some excellent wide-open country for hunting antelope.  Archery antelope season in Montana is typically blistering hot.  Hunters can expect to be set up on a water hole and use decoys to draw the big buck in. 

Archery antelope hunts typically run 3 days.  A 4-day hunt can be accommodated upon request.

Hunters will need to successfully draw a 900-20 antelope license to archery hunt antelope with 7-V Ranch Outfitting. *  


*The 900-20 license is archery only for August 15th - November 12th.  A hunter may archery hunt with a 007-20 license from September 2nd - October 12th

Rifle Antelope Hunts

The keen eye of an antelope makes for a fun and challenging experience as they put a hunter's skills to the test.  Come and try your hand at stalking these wily critters across a sagebrush flat. 

To maximize a hunter's chance at success, our guides recommend a hunter be able to shoot accurately at 200+ yards.

Hunters will need to successfully draw a 007-20 antelope license to rifle hunt antelope with 7-V Ranch Outfitting.


Combo Hunts

Have more than one tag to fill?  No problem! We offer combo hunts with elk, deer and antelope.  

© 2023 by 7-V Ranch Outfitting, LLC Montana Outfitter License # 391

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